
Public Enemy season 3, let's roll!


The shoot­ing of the third sea­son of Pub­lic Ene­my start­ed on April 21st2022!

Thanks to the team, actors and actress­es who will give life to this last sea­son which promis­es to be unforgettable!



In this relent­less wave of migra­tion, it is more than ever a ques­tion of ques­tion­ing the Oth­er.

This is the announce­ment of the Bel­gian Short Film Agency, which is now includ­ing the short film SIDE­WALK by Binevsa Berivan in its new the­mat­ic pro­gramme enti­tled (IM)MIGRATIONS.

The films in this pro­gramme all take an enlight­ened look at migra­tion issues, when dis­place­ment is at the heart of identity.

Side­walk tells the sto­ry of Mémo, a Kur­dish immi­grant liv­ing with his wife in one of Brus­sels’ mez­za­nine floors.

Best European Project at BIO TO B 2020 for JUMP OUT


We are very hap­py and proud that our doc­u­men­tary project in devel­op­ment JUMP OUT, just received its first award for the Best Euro­pean Project at the BIO TO2020 (Doc & Biopic Busi­ness Meet­ing). Thanks to you Sarah Pen­nac­chi & Nika Šar­a­van­ja for the pitch­ing and the amaz­ing crew work­ing on it.

Now you can fol­low our progress on Insta­gram at @jumpout_documentary !

Make way for artists : Kiosk and Musiq3 call for projects


Deprived of stage and spec­ta­tors, what hap­pens for come­di­ans, where are they, what do they feel? KIOSK, the mag­a­zine for the per­form­ing arts and RTBF call for projects and give them a voice through a text of their choice. The chal­lenge has been launched!

Dead­line for sub­mis­sion of projects: 8 June 2020 at 12 noon.